Clarksville, Tennessee
Clinic Hours:
9:00am – 5:00pm (Mon-Fri)
Clinic Number

The Clarksville Suboxone Doctor Trusts

The Clarksville Suboxone Doctor team is here to provide superior quality care for those struggling with opioid dependence. With our personalized treatment plans, we strive to meet the unique needs of individuals suffering from Opioid Use Disorder. Our goal is to offer compassionate care that helps our patients make use of the benefits of treatment.

We specialize in Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT), which includes Suboxone and counseling. To make our services even more accessible, we provide both online telemedicine appointments and in-person visits tailored to your schedule and needs–ensuring the best possible outcome on your journey toward recovery.

What is Suboxone?

Suboxone consists of two separate medication components: buprenorphine and naloxone, an opioid antagonist. This unique combination helps reduce withdrawal symptoms while travelers progress through treatment. Buprenorphine alleviates many of the uncomfortable physical effects of opioid abuse while also reducing cravings for continued drug use that are common in opioid-dependent individuals; naloxone helps block the effects of opioids and discourage dependence on recreational drugs.

As a medication-assisted treatment provider, we work alongside our clients to develop a comprehensive plan suitable for their needs. This includes therapies and education about substance abuse prevention methods that go hand in hand with Suboxone usage to promote healthier lifestyles.

Benefits of Getting Suboxone Treatment

Suboxone treatment from a Clarksville Suboxone doctor has many benefits that can significantly improve the quality of life for those suffering from opioid addiction.

  • Suboxone treatment can help you feel better and healthier.
  • You will have more energy and be able to do more things.
  • You will be able to think more clearly and make decisions easier.
  • You won’t experience withdrawal symptoms like nausea, sweating, or shaking when you stop taking the medication.
  • With regular treatment, your body will become used to the medication, so it will take less to get the same effect over time.
  • Your doctor can monitor your progress with regular check-ups and make changes as needed if your condition gets worse or better.
  • You may find that Suboxone treatment helps improve your relationships with family members who may have been concerned about your drug use before this therapy started.
  • Health insurance plans often cover Suboxone treatments, so you don’t need to worry about paying for expensive treatments out of pocket.

If you are suffering from opioid addiction, consider talking to a Clarksville Suboxone doctor about the possible benefits of Suboxone treatment today. Then, don’t wait any longer to get help and start living your life again!

Graphic of Consultation for Suboxone

Success Rate of Suboxone Treatment:

At Clarksville Suboxone Doctor, we offer a treatment plan to help our patients overcome opioid addiction. We give them access to something proven to work – Suboxone. Our evidence-based approach has successfully treated hundreds of patients, many of whom have found lasting recovery thanks to this form of treatment.

Our dedicated doctors and compassionate staff provide personalized care and support every step of the way to optimize success rates and reduce relapse risk. With our custom plan and experienced team, patients can look forward to a new hope on the other side of addiction and reclaim their lives with safety and independence.

Areas We Service:

At Clarksville Suboxone Doctor, we strive to provide the highest quality of treatment for those suffering from opioid use disorder. Our team of experts can offer telehealth suboxone appointments and virtual clinic services that reach most areas within Tennessee. We proudly serve many regions such as Hopkinsville, Springfield, Dickson, Goodlettsville, Nashville, Hendersonville, and Portland – providing experienced and knowledgeable treatment providers for those seeking assistance with their addiction in a safe and secure environment. Our professional staff is dedicated to giving you the best service possible so you can begin your journey to a healthier tomorrow!

Range of Services at our Suboxone Clinic:

Medication-Assisted Therapy - Suboxone Treatment

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) combines medications designed to help manage opioid dependency with counseling and behavioral therapy designed to address the underlying causes of addiction. We provide personalized care plans tailored to the needs and goals of each patient, utilizing evidence-based practices that help people achieve stable recovery and regain control of their lives. Our certified professionals use a combination of Suboxone and behavioral therapies for a holistic approach to sustained long-term remission from opioid use disorder.

Behavioral Therapy

Our team of experienced treatment providers is committed to offering the best possible care and works with every patient to create personalized treatment plans that help them achieve their goals in terms of opioid addiction treatment. In addition, feeling safe, supported, and actively working towards a better future is reflected through our counseling services to maintain lasting health on an emotional and physical level.


Counseling is essential in treating opioid use, and our highly trained professionals walk individuals through each step in treatment. With our help and guidance, clients receive personalized care plans tailored to their specific needs that make lasting recovery feasible. We also support relapse prevention and nutritional, lifestyle, and behavioral recommendations for sustained addiction recovery.

Personalized Outpatient Treatment Program

Our confidential service includes both an online clinic and an in-person clinic. We create individualized treatment plans to promote recovery. We provide evidence-based treatments like counseling, nutraceuticals, and medical services to support the whole person. We can keep your addiction journey from the comfort of your home or onsite at our clinic with professional care and supervision.

End the Cycle of Addiction

Start Your Recovery Journey

At Clarksville Suboxone Doctor, we provide top-tier care for individuals seeking long-term recovery from opioid addiction and other substance use disorders. With years of experience in the field, our team is here to help you on your path toward healing and well-being. To best meet each individual’s needs, we craft customized treatment plans specific to your lifestyle and goals.

We offer both in-person and online video visits to make access convenient while remaining safe during these uncertain times. We accept most insurance plans, including Medicare and Medicaid options. By coming to us for comprehensive care tailored exclusively for you, we can ensure that you receive the highest quality of treatment. Let us help you explore a healthier life; contact us today to reach out for support on the journey toward wellness!