Clarksville, Tennessee
Clinic Hours:
9:00am – 5:00pm (Mon-Fri)
Clinic Number

Suboxone Treatment in Clarksville

At Clarksville Suboxone Doctor, we are passionate about delivering the highest quality of evidence-based professional services for those struggling with opioid addiction. Our team strongly focuses on helping individuals and families impacted by substance use disorders regain their independence and improved health. We believe that suboxone is one of the most effective medications for overcoming opioid addictions, as it suppresses cravings and prevents withdrawal symptoms.

As our team is up to date with the most advanced protocols and cutting-edge technology, we offer in-person and telemedicine appointments so that our patients can access us whenever they need us. Additionally, we accept various insurance plans, including Medicare and Medicaid, so everyone can get the help they deserve. Together, our goal is to bring hope and understanding while restoring lives to total health!

Choose which option works best for you:

In-Person Appointments

We understand the seriousness of addiction and the importance for individuals to have access to the treatment they need. To make that process easier and more convenient, we offer in-person appointments for suboxone therapy at our downtown office. With this service, you can receive personalized attention from an experienced medical staff who provides the care and support required to help you successfully address your addiction.

Patients benefit from long-term counseling and guidance from a real doctor in a safe and supportive environment – many find this key in getting them through their recovery journey. From same-day appointments to flexible scheduling, our in-person service provides all our patients fast access to quality care tailored to their individual needs when they need it most.

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Telemedicine Appointments

Our Clarksville suboxone doctor is excited to offer telemedicine appointments to serve our patients better. Telemedicine appointments are safe and convenient, as patients can meet with their physicians from their homes. Additionally, these visits use secure technology so that all communication and information passed between the patient and the provider remains confidential.

With telemedicine, our Clarksville suboxone doctor can provide a personalized treatment plan that works with the patient’s lifestyle. Furthermore, no travel costs are associated with visiting the clinic, saving time and money while allowing you to focus on your health goals more quickly. Contact us today to learn more about how our innovative approach to healthcare delivery through telemedicine can help you stay on track with your recovery goals!

At the Clarksville Suboxone Doctor, we provide various services that can assist those struggling with addiction on their path to healing and hope.

Medication-Assisted Treatment with Suboxone

At Clarksville Suboxone Doctor, we understand substance abuse is a disease, not a moral failing. That’s why we offer medication-assisted treatment with Suboxone at our practice to help those struggling with addiction. Suboxone is an oral tablet or film strip composed of two medications: Buprenorphine and Naloxone. Buprenorphine works to reduce drug cravings while minimizing withdrawal symptoms. Naloxone blocks the effects of narcotics on the brain if misused, acting as an additional safety measure.

Patients also benefit from counseling services and medication-assisted treatment since this combination helps increase long-term success rates for those seeking lasting recovery from opioids or other substances. As one of the few certified providers of opioid addiction treatment in Clarksville, you can count on our comprehensive treatment center to provide the care and support you need so that you can work towards a healthier future.


We take a holistic approach when helping those suffering from opioid addiction. Our counselors are dedicated to providing counseling services alongside medication and therapy to foster the patient’s recovery process. We specialize in different types of counseling, such as family, peer, behavioral and cognitive therapies which can equip our patients with the necessary tools to maintain their long-term wellness.

Furthermore, our counselors strive to make a personal connection with each patient they meet – our patients must find comfort and support during their treatment process. With this combination of medical and supportive approaches, you’ll be on your way to lasting sobriety here at our addiction treatment centers!

Peer Support Groups

At Clarksville Suboxone Doctor, we understand the full complexity of opioid addiction, which includes physical and psychological aspects.

  • Peer Support Groups: We offer peer support groups to help individuals battling substance abuse.
  • Behavior Therapy: We also recognize that behavior therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can help our patients explore their coping mechanisms and identify drug triggers.
  • Family Therapy: For family members of someone dealing with substance abuse, we provide family therapy sessions so that they can better understand how to address the situation and renew relationships damaged by addiction.
  • Outpatient Treatment: Our outpatient treatment program offers individualized counseling and group therapy. This enables our patients to receive high-quality care in a comfortable environment while still attending to their responsibility like school or work.

All these addiction treatment services have been proven beneficial for those fighting opioid dependency; if you’re seeking help for yourself or a loved one, contact our Subosr!

Important Patient Information

Signs You May Be Addicted to Opioids

Fighting opioid dependence can be difficult and often scary, but discovering qualifications for addictions is an essential first step in recovery. While there are many signs of addiction to look out for, here are some of the most common symptoms associated with opioid dependency:

  • an intense craving or urge to use opioids;
  • decisions regarding friends, activities, or jobs that center around substance use;
  • development of tolerance, requiring more and more opioids to achieve the same effect on the body;
  • withdrawals such as nausea, sweating, or irritability when the dosage is reduced or discontinued;
  • recurrent unsuccessful attempts to cut back or quit using opioids;
  • spending large amounts of time obtaining the drug, recovering from its effects, and using it;
  • neglecting responsibilities at work, school, or home due to using substances;
  • continuing to use despite adverse consequences.

If you think you may have an issue with opioid addiction, reach out today and get help from Clarksville Suboxone Doctor. It’s never too late to recover from substance abuse.

Substance Use Disorder Treatment

Substance Use Disorder is a serious, life-threatening condition. Not treating properly can lead to severe psychological and physical health issues. At Clarksville Suboxone Doctor, we offer comprehensive treatment for Substance Use Disorder that addresses this condition’s mental and physical symptoms.

Our personalized treatment programs are designed to help patients recover from their behavioral patterns related to substance use and develop better coping mechanisms for long-term recovery. Through counseling and medication therapy, we seek to bring the structure back into the lives of those suffering from Substance Use Disorder so they may achieve a healthy and more fulfilling life.

Treatment for Opioid Use

At Clarksville Suboxone Doctor, we understand that addiction to opioids causes intense physical and psychological suffering. That’s why our team has developed an innovative, comprehensive treatment program dedicated to helping individuals break the cycle of dependency on opioids and improve their overall well-being and quality of life. We believe that this tailored approach gives patients the best chance at long-term recovery from opioids.

Opioid Use Disorder Treatment

Our patients are at the forefront of our recovery efforts. We offer a suboxone clinic designed to help individuals suffering from opioid use disorder access the necessary treatment and support they need. Our medically assisted detox services with suboxone combine thoughtful assessments, biopsychosocial screenings, behavioral health strategies, and medications to relieve those addicted to opioids.

At our comprehensive treatment center, we have witnessed immense success rates in maintaining suboxone treatments and medically assisted detox over long periods – giving our patients hope that they can live a full life free of addiction.

Why Suboxone Treatment is Effective

At Clarksville Suboxone Doctor, our mission is to provide the highest level of care for individuals struggling with opioid addiction. Our team of experienced physicians and knowledgeable medical staff partners with each patient to ensure individual needs are met and they get the best chance of achieving a successful recovery.

Through our Suboxone treatment program, we offer effective methods that can make a real difference in your life. Medical professionals determine the best course of action, which may involve long-term maintenance through medication such as Suboxone, individualized counseling, and support groups.

Due to its low risk of abuse or overdose and ability to help suppress withdrawal symptoms and lessen cravings, Suboxone has been a compelling choice for much battling opioid addiction disorder. Our team is passionate about helping our patients gain control over their lives again through evidence-based treatments and individualized care plans tailored to their unique needs.

Why are Suboxone Doctors So Important in the Treatment of Opioid Addiction?

At Clarksville Suboxone Doctor, we believe in the power of top-quality medical care and access to treatment options to help people overcome opioid addiction. Our suboxone doctors are experts in their field and have vast experience treating opioid addiction with evidence-based protocols. They are compassionate, knowledgeable, and dedicated professionals who understand the needs of patients suffering from this disease.

Furthermore, our suboxone doctors work with other medical professionals, like mental health professionals, to ensure a comprehensive and holistic approach to treatment that meets all aspects necessary for a successful recovery.

If you or someone you know is grappling with opioid addiction, let us be your trusted partner in helping you realize the freedom from opioids so many seek. We can create a tailored plan that works best for your particular situation; come by today for more information about how we can help you kick opioids for good!

Suboxone Maintenance

We understand how difficult it can be to manage opioid use disorder medications and provide Suboxone maintenance as a way of helping our patients stay on track with their course of treatment. Our knowledgeable and experienced providers are passionate about educating patients on the importance of consistent dosing for long-term success and offer comprehensive Suboxone maintenance services tailored to each individual’s need.

On each visit, the provider will monitor progress, adjust doses if needed, ensure that the patient stays compliant, and provide emotional support throughout treatment. We take pride in providing an evidence-based approach to recovery centered around whole-patient care that is compassionate and supportive.

The Proper Way To Take Suboxone

We understand that treating addiction requires more than one intervention. That is why we offer various treatment services to meet best the needs of individuals suffering from this chronic condition. We strive to provide medication-assisted treatment options and equip each person with the skills and support needed for a successful recovery.

Our diverse evidence-based services include individual counseling, relapse prevention skills, trauma-related counseling, and care planning in opioid addiction treatment. Additionally, our staff and primary care doctors work with patients to create flexible payment plans and accept various insurance coverage providers. At Clarksville Suboxone Doctor, we are proud to serve those seeking addiction help by offering comprehensive, individualized care with compassion and respect.

Suboxone Treatment with the Clarksville Suboxone Doctor

Suboxone treatment has emerged as an effective way to combat opioid addiction, one of society’s most troubling health concerns. But while the treatment has immense potential, results heavily depend upon the quality of therapy. This is where Clarksville Suboxone Doctor can help make all the difference.

Our team of expert clinicians provides personalized care, addressing physical and psychological aspects with proven effective methods in treating opioid dependencies. In addition, we focus on helping individuals build healthier lifestyles and developing coping strategies to ensure long-term success in maintaining sobriety. At the Clarksville Suboxone Doctor, we stand ready to help individuals fight back against opioid dependency and reclaim their lives.